Nombre: Leathermouth
Género: posthardcore
Álbum: XO
Año: 2009
01. 5th Period Massacre
02. Catch me if you can
03. This song is about being attacked by monsters
04. I am going to kill the president of the United States
05. Murder was the case that they gave me
06. Sunsets are for muggings
07. My lovenote has gone flat
08. Your friends are full of shit
09: Body snatchers 4 ever
10. Leviathan
Dato Freak: La Banda De Frank Iero Como Vocalista O.O / The Frank Iero's Band O.O
Dedicado a: Pansy! Te amo Amiga, feliz cumpleaños [Si no eres Pansy Ignora Esto]
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